Traveling has never been so popular as it is today, and with the plethora of gadgets that one can lug along while on the road, travel apps are high up on the list of any traveler. Whether you use an iPhone, an Android phone, or whatever gadget, you are sure to find an app that will make your trip more fun and convenient. I thought it would be useful to take a look at some of the most useful travel apps that you can download today. [Read more…] about 5 Travel Apps That You MUST Get
If Social Media Networks Were Superheroes…

The guys at Freestyle Interactive ((Source)), a digital marketing group based out of the United Kingdom, have come up with an interesting infographic. Obviously, they know a thing or two about social media networks (or at least they are supposed to), and it seems that they also have a thing about superheroes. Then again, who doesn’t? [Read more…] about If Social Media Networks Were Superheroes…
The 10 best same-device multiplayer games for the iPad
iPad owners who keep to themselves aren’t maximizing the experience. With a relatively large 9.7″ screen and support for multi-touch, Apple’s tablet PC is also great for entertaining several people.
Here we feature 10 different iOS apps that will turn your iPad (or iPad 2) into the life of the party, courtesy of some fun two- or four-player multiplayer gameplay.
All the following apps support multiple players on the same device, so no online connection is necessary. You’ll only need one iPad to have fun with friends of family members, meaning even those who don’t have an iOS device (the iPhone, iPod touch, or the iPad) can still participate.
Monopoly for iPad ($9.99)
The star attraction of this modern version of the classic real-estate boardgame? Tabletop mode, where the game orients itself to the active player. It’s this feature alone—not to mention the faithful recreation of the Monopoly experience—that makes this game worth playing with up to three human or computer-controlled opponents.
[Read more…] about The 10 best same-device multiplayer games for the iPad
Chocolate Creations That Will Wow You
The love for chocolate is a universal thing. It does not matter what your cultural background is. It does not matter where you live. When it comes to chocolate, you just don’t say no!
Here’s something better than simple chocolate, though – Amazing Things Made of Chocolate! ((Source)) This feature published by CNBC is something that every chocolate lover must take a look at. However, please don’t blame me if you find yourself wanting a gigantic block of chocolate after reading! [Read more…] about Chocolate Creations That Will Wow You
Help Tanya Marie Grow a New Eye

Everyone has heard of Kickstarter by now, and every now and then, I make it a point to check out the site to see if I can find something interesting. Today, I found something that is more than interesting both in the technological sense and the humanitarian sense. Grow a New Eye is a Kickstarter project spearheaded by Tanya Vlach.
Years ago, when Hurricane Katrina hit, all eyes were turned to New Orleans. On the very same day, in another part of the United States, Tanya Vlach got into an accident that cost her her left eye. In spite of all the injuries she suffered, Tanya was fortunate to escape with her life. [Read more…] about Help Tanya Marie Grow a New Eye
Want More ReTweets? Here Are 5 Scientifically Proven Ways!
Believe it or not, there are still people who are not convinced of how Twitter can bring them benefits. Heck, there are still people who are not on Twitter for that matter! For those who regularly use Twitter to gain exposure and interact with people around the world, getting retweets is one of the important things. But how do you get your followers (and their followers) to retweet your tweet?
So you know that your tweets are awesome. You know that others will find them cool and that they will definitely benefit from them. But maybe you just can’t seem to get any traction. Only a handful actually share your tweets. Is there a proven way to encourage people to actually click that retweet button? [Read more…] about Want More ReTweets? Here Are 5 Scientifically Proven Ways!