Alright, DIY-ers out there. Here is the model for your next project! This labcoat is made of LED and even works as a TV! How much cooler can you get?
The LEB lab coat was made by David Forbes, who had one special mission in mind while he was conceptualizing and creating the coat: to wear his creation at Burning Man. Here’s a peek at the lab coat.

Think of it as a color TV set placed on top of a lab coat that any scientist, doctor, or researcher would wear. And yes, the TV displays NTSC video – no need to fiddle with the settings!
If you’re wondering how this was made possible, think about flex boards and color LED displays (160 x 120 pixels to be exact). If the image above is not exactly to your liking, here’s another one that might prove to be more fun.

Homer is David’s hero – just like countless other people in the universe. You have to admit that, while the resolution of the TV will definitely not compete with your HDTV at home, Homer looks pretty good on the lab coat. Well, you know what I mean. 😉
As you may have surmised, the displays covers pretty much the entire torso, down to the leg – back to front, sides semi-included. The brains of this lab coat cum TV can be found in circuit boards mounted on the shoulders and the hips. The work that has gone into this contraption is not to be taken lightly. Six months – and custom fabricated boards, hot glue, FFC cable, double-sided tape, a host of other electronics, and $20,000 – later, David is ready to be a hit at Burning Man. Did I already say this thing cost $20,000 to complete?
Here’s the TV in action.
I tried to ignore how awkwardly David had to move all throughout the demo. I guess he’s going to have to be ready not to sit or even lean against anything when he shows that thing off at the festival!
For more details and photos of the making of the TV lab coat, visit Cathode Corner.