Is it just me or are people paying more attention than usual to boards? It was not long ago that we heard about Mattel’s announcement that they will be releasing hoverboards like the one Marty McFly used in the Back to the Future franchise. While that hoverboard is going to be for real, it will not be hovering as one would want it to be. Instead, it will just be skimming over surfaces. Still a not-too-bad idea.
If skimming boards are not enough to make you feel happy, how about a skateboard that rolls over surfaces like any other skateboard, but with a huge plus: a mind-controlled skateboard?
Chaotic Moon Labs has stirred up interest once again with their new mind-controlled skateboard. With the name Board of Imagination, how can one not want to know more about it?
As anyone would have guessed at this point, the Board of Imagination is a skateboard which the user can control with his mind. The basic mechanism is like other skateboards – you have the board and the wheels. The big difference is that additional components have been incorporated, allowing the skateboarder to use his brain waves to control where and how fast he goes.
No, it is NOT science fiction.
The guys explains how it works.
The integrated Emotiv EPOC headset is worn by the rider and translates their brain waves into actions. To throw yourself down the road (or up the hill) at up to 32 MPH now, you simply imagine yourself moving to the spot you desire and our Emotive headset picks up your brainwaves, massages your theta waves (among others) with the Emotive Engine and then sets the motor controller to the correct speed to make your imagination a reality.
Who would have thought that imagining your desired destination on a skateboard can actually get you some place?
Yes, it does work, but it may not be the safest and most foolproof system out there. The leads that are connected to the user’s head have to be placed at precise points. Outside elements also have the potential to interfere with the system. All this is rather understandable, hence the likelihood that we won’t be seeing a host of mind-controlled skateboard in skate shops any time soon is very high. You can’t deny how awesome this Board of Imagination is, though!