Kids, do not try this at home. Then again, this is a DIY piece, so no one can really stop you from giving the project a go. Just remember, this is no ordinary DIY project. It can hurt you. Literally.
Have you ever heard of Patrick Priebe? ((Source)) Probably not, but my guess is that his name is already making the rounds and geeky DIY-ers and Iron Man fans are already on to him. This lab technician from Germany is an Iron Man fan to the highest level. As if watching the movies every week wasn’t enough, Patrick went ahead and created his own version of Iron Man’s laser thingamajig – the one the shoots out of his palm. (And I thought I was the number one Iron Man fan!)
Technically, what Patrick created is not exactly the same as what Iron Man uses in the movies. Tony Stark’s creation is called a repulsor-beam weapon. Patrick’s creation is equally as impressive, though, especially since it does work in real life.
The palm laser weapon does what it says on the tim – it shoots out a highly focused beam of light which can do damage. It might not be able to blow up an enemy, but it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Think of it this way. The upper limit for laser pointers in the US is around five milliwatts. Patrick’s palm laser weapon packs 1,000 milliwatts. This much power can blind you. It can etch marks on your skin. It can burn wood. It can even scorch meat. Definitely not a toy for the kids!
Patrick lovingly made his contraption armed with a thin brass sheet (for mounting the device on his palm), a laser diode, Lithium-Ion batteries, paint, and so on. Slightly dangerous as the device may be, it only took Patrick a weekend to complete the task. At home. Tony Stark himself would be proud, don’t you think?
Here’s a video of the palm laser weapon in action.
Pretty, pretty light, but do keep it away from klutzes and over enthusiastic Iron Man wannabes! All I want is to use this as a lighter. Think that would pass?