According to Robin Rosenberg, clinical psychologist and author based in California, however, there are things that could be wrong with everyone’s favorite superhero. Alright, he may not be everyone’s superhero of choice, but Batman comes pretty close to that, doesn’t he?
Rosenberg has written a book titled just that: “What’s the Matter With Batman?” She sums everything up nicely in one sentence: “He is the poster boy for post-traumatic growth.”
Now don’t get confused and mistake post-traumatic growth for post-traumatic stress disorder. The former is actually a positive thing, wherein the person who undergoes trauma becomes stronger and better. This can be the result of making new goals and perhaps even changing his beliefs for the better. I like to think of it along the lines of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
So yeah, we know that Bruce Wayne didn’t exactly have a blissful childhood, and his adult persona does have its quirks as well. On the one hand, there is the playboy. On the other hand, there is the philanthropist. And then there is the caped crusader, of course.
In spite of his fictional nature, Batman’s persona is carefully analyzed by Rosenberg as if he were a real patient. She bases her analysis on movies and pioneering comic books. What she doesn’t do, however, is provide a concrete conclusion regarding the mental illness of Batman – if any. Her book does deal with various conditions that may be present, but that’s about it.
I don’t know about you, but whether you are a Batman fan or a psychology enthusiast, I think this book will prove to be an entertaining read. What are you waiting for? Get your copy of “What’s the Matter With Batman“!